FH/OK1M – Expedition Mayotte & Reunion 2022

8-12 September 2022 on Reunion FR/OK1M
12-25 September 2022 on Mayotte FH/OK1M
(24 September participation in CQ WW DX RTTY 2022 – SO(A) 15m LP)

Planned equipment:
SunSDR DX2 (100W)
Light wire dipoles for 20-15-10m band
Two telescopic pole 10m Mini Fibreglass

Here I will add photos from the expedition:

Log: https://clublog.org/livestream/FH/OK1M


20-15-10m Propagation Mayotte->EU
20-15-10m Propagation Mayotte->New York
20-15-10m Propagation Mayotte->Japan
Rubriky: Expeditions, Nezařazené | 1 komentář

CQ WW DX SSB 2021 – SO(A) 80m LP – IH9/OK1M

The Game is over! The battle called CQ WW DX SSB 2021 is done. Some photos are here https://photos.app.goo.gl/m6jLht9PM5PmRaRD8. The first RAW score is about 246k points and 905 QSO. The current world record (196k) may have been broken! This score isn’t just mine, it’s yours too.. all of you who called me and made contact helped me gain these points. Big thanks!

RAW score

Antennas for 80m: Full size 4SQ with 48 radials and InvertedV @10m and NW Beverage 80m length

Radio: IC-7610 (100W) and DXlog.net in SOV2 configuration
ANT SWITCH documentation https://git.ok1kvk.cz/RybkaLabs/antenna-hf-switch-so2v/

73 & TNX OK1M

Rubriky: Contesting, Expeditions, HF contesting, Nezařazené | Napsat komentář

CQ WW DX SSB 2020 – SO(A) 80m LP – OK1M

Nice contest, BUT… again Aurora like in CQ RTTY … many stations vs. no expeditions = no multipliers…

my score

Antennas for 80m: Full size vertical with raised radials and dipole @22m and 2x Bi dir Beverage 240m length

Radio: IC-7610 (100W) and DXlog.net in SOV2 configuration
ANT SWITCH documentation https://git.ok1kvk.cz/RybkaLabs/antenna-hf-switch-so2v/

73 & TNX

Rubriky: Contesting, HF contesting | Napsat komentář

CQ WW DX RTTY 2020 – SO(A) 80m LP – OK1M

Hi all,
it was a nice contest with bad conditions .)
For me it was the first time from new QTH near Prague with temporary antennas… (Next time it will be better.) I was trying to operate in SO2V mode for the whole contest: 300 QSO on my CQ and 420 by S&P.

my score

Antenas for 80m: Full size vertical with raised radials and dipole @22m
Radio: IC-7610 (100W) and DXlog.net in SOV2 configuration

73 & TNX
Michal OK1WMR/OK1M

Rubriky: HF contesting | Štítky: , , | Napsat komentář

CQ WW DX SSB 2019 – SO(A) 80m LP – OK1M

Nice contest from my home in Prague.
TRX: Icom-756PROIII (100W)
ANT: Inverted Vee @ 35m high
RUN1@80SSB – The best minute from contest.


Rubriky: Contesting, HF contesting | Napsat komentář